Poker Run

District 23C’s Lions & Hogs Poker Run

Lions – go for a ride and join us at District 23C’s LIONS & HOGS POKER RUN to benefit LCIF. Stop at 4 Lions clubs’ checkpoints and then join us at The Farm at Carter Hill in Marlboro, a spacious outdoor venue – social distancing practices will be mandated. Great food, great raffles, a band, and a great time to socialize with your fellow Lions.

  • Coventry Lions are participating with 11 other Northeast CT Lions Clubs in the Lions and Hogs Poker Run on Sunday April 25th from 10AM to 1PM.
  • Participants visit 4 different towns before ending up at The Farm at Carter Hill in Marlborough for Live Music, Food, and Raffles.
  • Each person pays $25 at the first location and gets a playing card assigned to them. Then they get another card at each location.
  • At the end, the people with the best poker hands win prizes.Proceeds go to the Lions Club International Fund (LCIF) which helps people all over the world.So get out on your motorcycle or in your car to enjoy a fun Sunday afternoon ride for a good cause.

For details and contact information,  see the Lions & Hogs Poker Run Flyer