The Lions Eyeglass Recycling, Coventry CT.
Eye glasses are currently collected in three locations in Coventry, CT.1) Booth & Dimock Memorial Library1134 Main St.Coventry, CTSmall wooden collection box is located in the right corner of the floor in thevestibule.
2) Highland Park Market1721 Boston Tpk.Coventry, CT.Small wooden collection box is located in the middle of the first checkout register on asmall shelf just below waist height. (hard to see)
3.) Coventry Senior Center172 Lake St.Coventry, CT.Small wooden collection box is located on the floor under small table located on the rightas you enter the vestibule.
Currently collections are done weekly/biweekly at all collection points. Once the collection isabout one bag full, they are delivered to:Bill Kelleher41 North River Rd.Coventry, CTBill has requested that the bag be placed on the bench located on the left entrance of hishome, adjacent to his garage. Bill will then deliver them to a distribution location.